Add Data Center / Server

You can add Data Center or Server instance to backup schemas from from there and also restore schemas into the DC/Server instance.

To enable this feature, DC/Server app, Insight Assets Cloud Migration Assistant, should be installed on the source DC/Server instance with internet access. If you need to grant network access only to Insighit Assets Backup and Migration Cloud app, please contact us.

After the Insight Assets Cloud Migration Assistant is installed on the source DC/Server instance, you can add DC/Server instance for syncing the schemas by clicking “Add new“ button in the Cloud app:


Configuration of connection with DC/Server

After clicking the button, you will see a popup with the necessary fields:

Adding new DC/Server instance to the connections list with API Token
  • Connection name

    • Choose a name for the connection

  • Base URL

    • DC/Server URL (the URL must be public so that it can be accessed from Cloud)

  • API Token

All fields are mandatory.

After clicking the Add button, the instance will be added to the “Data Center / Server to migrate” section:

The ATTACHMENTS MIGRATION shows whether migration of attachments is enabled for the DC/Server instance and what is the current status. See for more details.

You can also authorize DC/Server with username/password. To do so, click “For Jira Core version below 8.14, use username/password authentication“ toggle and enter username and password:

After clicking the Add button, the instance will be added to the “Data Center / Server to migrate” section.

To edit the configuration, click “three dots“ and select Edit Configuration. You will see the same three fields, which you can modify. You can delete the instance by “three dots“ and selecting Delete. After clicking Delete on the confirmation backup, the instance will be deleted from the list.

Sync schemas

After the connection is added, click Sync schemas and you will see the DC/Server schemas in the Synched schemas list - Server/DC schemas will be indicated and DATA-CENTER under the “Location“ column:

To further migrate the DC/Server schemas into the Cloud or another DC/Server, please see .