Audit Log
Insight Assets Backup and Migration allows you to see all the actions made in the app by the users. To access the log, click “Audit log“ in the top ribbon of the app:
Depending on the resolution, the log may appear under the “Menu“:
After clicking “Audit log“, you will immediately see all the actions by the users, made during last week (you can change the date range, see Filters and search for more details):
The following actions are logged in the app:
Backup created
Backup deleted
Restore created
Schedule updated
Backup schedule enabled/disabled
Manual backup started
Backup stopped
Schema deleted
Source instance added
Source instance updated
Source instance synced
Source instance deleted
Target instance created
Target instance updated
Target instance deleted
Current connection created
Current connection updated
Current connection deleted
Current connection synced
Jira fields migrated
Restored objects in issues
Download full log
Trusted users for Vault invited
Trusted users for Vault deleted
Assets vault logout
Assets vault login
Cross-reference started
Download full log
Download objects in issues log
Attachments restore started
Specific attributes restore
For each action, the list shows:
User: action actor
Performed action
Date: Action date and time
By clicking the action row, you can see more details. Depending on the actions the details may vary. For example, in case of an update of the Current connection, old and new values for the changed fields are also displayed:
Actions in the Audit Log are logged starting from June 15th, 2023.
The restore actions done from source to target instance will be included in both, source and target instance audit logs, indicating the source and the target instances and schemas.
Filters and search
You can use additional filters to filter the actions by:
Date Range
Click on the “Date range” and select your desired range to show
By default, the range of the current month is selected.
You can choose more than one user
Action type
You can choose more than one action type
You can choose more than one schema
After selecting the filters, click the blue Search button to filter the actions:
You can also export the log by clicking the “Export“ button and saving the .xlsx file in your computer.
You will see the following columns in your file:
User Action
Name and surname of the user who did the action
May be empty for some actions
May be empty for some actions
Date when the action was conducted
You will see 20 log actions per page.