Backup and Restore of object Attachments

Backup and Restore of object Attachments

You can backup and restore object attachments on Cloud or Server/DC for further migration into the cloud or on Server/DC.

Table of Contents


To enable this feature for Cloud, Assets Attachments Backup & Migration should be installed on the source and target Cloud instances (in case of cloud-to-cloud migration). The app has no limitation in a trial mode.

For enabling this feature for Server/DC, Insight Assets Cloud Migration Assistant installed on the source instance is a prerequisite. In addition, to acquire attachments migration feature, please contact our Service Desk. Without acquiring the attachments migration feature, you will be able to migrate 50 objects in trial mode of the Insight Assets Cloud Migration Assistant app.

Therefore, to enable the full migration of the attachments:

DC/Server app *

DC/Server Attachments feature

Any Cloud app **

Attachments Migration

DC/Server app *

DC/Server Attachments feature

Any Cloud app **

Attachments Migration

Trial or subscription

Not acquired

Trial or subscription

50 attachments



Trial or subscription

Full migration

Trial or subscription

Any status

Expired or unlicensed


Expired or unlicensed

Any status

Trial or subscription


* Insight Assets Cloud Migration Assistant

** Insight Assets Backup & Migration and Assets Attachments Backup & Migration

You can see the current status of the attachments restore/migration feature along the current connection and added DC/Server instance details:


The status of the attachments feature is automatically refreshed every 3 hours. To check the status immediately, click Refresh () icon along the status for Cloud and DC/Server connections (several seconds might be needed for the status to be updated).


After the Assets Attachments Backup & Migration is installed in the cloud, you will be able to backup also attachments associated with the object schemas. To do so, switch the toggle either during manual backup or for the scheduled backups of the desired schema:

Attachments backup for Manual backup

When the backup is taken with the enabled backup of attachments, you will see the status and the number of the attachments in the available backups:

Restore / Migration

To restore/migrate the attachments, initially, the schema containing the attachments must be restored/migrated. After the schema is restored, you will be able to restore the attachments. To do so, go to the Restores of the schema and click either the “Attachments” or “Restore Attachments“ buttons along the schema in the “Restores” grid:

After clicking the button, you see the confirmation popup:

After clicking the “Restore Attachments“ button, the restore will start and you will be able to monitor the progress in the Attachments box under the schema restore details:

From here you can:

  • Stop the process of the process restore

    • Termination may take some time (up to 2 minutes), therefore if the process is stopped by the end of the progress, restore still might have been completed! The “Restore ended” will show date/time when the restore was terminated. Additionally, if you click the STOP button more than once, until the process is stopped and start a new restore during this 2-minute period, the newly started process might also be stopped!

  • See the start and end time/dates of the restore

  • Check the restore status

    • Pending

    • In Progress

    • Terminated (if the restore was stopped by the user)

    • Error (you will see the error details)

    • Success (when the restore is completed successfully)

  • Restore result

    • When in progress, you will be able to check how many attachments are restored (e.g. “Processed: 300 from 28,374 restored”)

    • If for some reason the corresponding object does not exist in the schema, the Result message will be “Some of the attachments were not restored. Please see the log for more details.“

  • Full log

    • When the process is finished, you will be able to download the full restore log JSON with the following information

      • ObjectKey

      • Result

        • True (if the attachment is restored)

        • False (if the attachment is not restored)

      • Message

        • Name of the attachment

  • Real-time log

    • You can check the progress of the restoration during the process and see the errors for the specific object attachments.

Additional Remarks

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