Backup schemas from another instance

Backup schemas from another instance

You can also backup schemas from other cloud instances for further restore and migration.

To enable this feature, the app should also be installed on the source cloud instance.

Click “Add new“ button to add a source cloud instance:

Add a new cloud instance

After clicking the button, you will see the popup with the fields needed to be filled:

Add a new cloud instance - required fields
  1. Connection name

    • To easily identify the instance while migrating the schemas

  2. Email

    1. Fill in the email related to the Atlassian account that will be used to access the data in Assets (Insight) for a source instance (the user should have a valid admin role!). Additionally, fore restoring objects in issues, the user must have access to the projects/issues where the Asset custom fields are configured and the objects from the schema are selected.

  3. Source WorkspadeID

    1. Fill in the ID of the Assets (Insight) workspace you want to backup to. The Workspace ID can be found on the following link: https://[yourcloud].atlassian.net/rest/servicedeskapi/assets/workspace. The Jira Service Management REST API uses the workspace ID to identify your individual instance of Assets (Insight), it is an alphanumeric string with the following sample appearance: 3b3b70g5-66f8-3c01-a2d7-e5bbf2584dc3.

  4. Source Instance URL

    1. URL of source instance: https://[yourcloud].atlassian.net

    2. Make sure to include “https://“ in the URL, otherwise you will not be able to save the instance.

    3. You also won't be able to save the URL if you indicate https:// but in reality the URL does not support https://

    4. Keep in mind, that you cannot use bypass like localhost or localtest.me

    5. If the instance will the same URL is already added to the list, the duplicate instance will not be added and you will see the corresponding error message, after clicking the “Add source instance“ button:

      1. image-20240422-220620.png
    6. If you have added a custom domain to your cloud instance, the app will continue operations if the original URL is added: https://[yourcompany].atlassian.net

  5. Source Token

    1. Token for the source instance: you can create a token through the following URL: Atlassian account - API Tokens. You can read more about Atlassian tokens on the documentation page: Manage API tokens for your Atlassian account | Atlassian Support.

    2. After creating a token, just copy and paste it into the corresponding “Source Token“ field.

After filling in the necessary information, click the Save source instance button to add the instance to the list.

After the instance is added, you can see and modify it from the Cloud instances to migrate.

Source cloud instances

When the cloud instance is added, you can click “Sync schemas“ button and all the schemas from the selected source instance will be synced and displayed in the Synced Schemas grid. The schemas from the source cloud instances will have ANOTHER CLOUD under Location and Instance name under Instance. You can also filter the schemas by the instance or location:

List of the schemas from the source instances

When the schemas are synced, you can back up and restore the schemas like the schemas from the current instance. Please see the detailed instructions on the following pages

You can edit the configuration of the source cloud, or delete the instance from the list, by clicking “. . .“ icon along the source instance:


When the source instance is deleted, the schemas that were not backed up previously will be deleted. The schemas, that were backed up at least once, will remain in the list with the INACTIVE status. Such schemas (and the corresponding backups) must be deleted separately.

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