User Guide
After configuration, the notifications bar will be visible on the Customer Portal for the projects where the plugin is activated (see Configuration for more details):
By default, the notifications bar is minimized and can be expanded by clicking it:
The number on the notification bar shows the number of unread notifications. This number is updated immediately, when the notification is received, no refresh is necessary.
The notifications plugin shows the following information per each notification:
Who did the action
Which action was performed
Date and time of the action
Request summary
Request key
Request status
Action results (e.g. added comment, status change, etc.)
The dot on the right side of the notification indicates unread status. By clicking the dot, certain notification status is changed to “read“ and “unread” (the dot is greyed out).
When the plugin is expanded, received notifications will be immediately added to the list, without the need to reload the page.
Due to the limitation of the corresponding REST API, some customer user names may not be displayed when mentioned in the comment and only the account ID might be visible:
By toggling the “Show only unread“ toggle, the list will display only unread messages. “Mark all as read“ button will change the status for all the messages to 'read'.
By clicking the notification itself, the corresponding request will be opened in the same tab. Click on an “Open in a new tab“ button, if you want to open the request in a new tab:
Notification filters
You can narrow the list of visible notifications by using the following filters:
All the notifications will be visible.
Created by me
Only the notifications related to the user-created requests will be visible, i.e. where the current user is a reporter.
I am participant
Only the notifications related to the requests where the user is added as a participant will be visible
My organizations
Only the notifications related to the requests with the organizations where the user belongs to and is a reporter will be visible.
Waiting for my approval
Only the notifications regarding the approvals waiting for the user will be visible.
If the request reporter is empty the approval request will be delivered in the following format: “Anonymous is awaiting approval“.
Only notifications from the Confluence will be visible.
The notifications bar is compatible with the responsive UI for mobile devices. All the actions are available and the bar features are identical to the web version, but tailored for mobile devices: