Restore attributes in existing objects
The process of restoring specific attributes is identical to restoring on Cloud and on Data Center.
Besides restoring and migrating the objects, you can restore only specific attributes of the specific Object Types from the backup. To do so, during the restore process, select “Restore specific object attributes” on the Options step:
When this option is selected, all other options will be disabled! If the corresponding Object Type is deleted from the target schema, the Object Type should be restored.
This feature is available for the backups made after April 23, 2024. For the backups made before the date, this option will be disabled.
After selecting the option, you will see the list of the Object Types in the backup with the number of objects for each object type:
Click the arrow icon to expand the Parent Object Type and see the Child Object Types. You can also expand/collapse all the Object Types by clicking the “two arrows“ icon in the top right corner of the list:
When you click the Object Type, you will see the corresponding attributes in the right part of the window:
The number along the attribute represents the attribute ID
When you select the attribute(s) to restore, you will see the blue checkmark and the number of the selected attributes:
You can select all or clear all the selected attributes by clicking Select all or Clear all. You can also select all the attributes in all the object types by toggling the “Select all“ toggle on:
If the Parent Object Type is passes the attributes to the child object types, you will see the corresponding message after selecting such an object type:
For the child objects, that receive the attributes from the parent, the attributes will be shown but disabled. You will see the corresponding message to go to the parent object type to select such attributes for restoration:
AQL filtering
You can restore the attributes for all the objects in the object type or only in the specific objects by filtering them with AQL. To do so, click the AQL filter button and fill in the AQL in the popup:
When you click the “Update filter“ button, you will get back to the object types and attributes list and a blue checkmark on the “AQL filter” button indicates that the AQL is entered.
After Selecting the desired attributes, click the Continue button to move to the last (Review) step, where you can review the details of the attributes restore and start the restore:
When the restore is started, you will see the restore in the Restores grid with the YES status, along with the “Restore specific attributes“ option under “Restore Options“:
You can click the AQL button to view the AQL, which was used during the restore (the popup will be empty if no AQL was used):
If the restore is successful, you will see the corresponding Results message. If at least one attribute was not restored, you will see the message in the Result message:
You can click the Real-time log to see the details of the error, indicating the object key and the attribute key, with the error details:
You can also download the log in .xlsx format by clicking the “Full log“ button.