Search Field

Search Field

It is possible to connect search to any Data Source asynchronously using Search Fields.

A Search Field is a virtual field that will render selected values into a specified Jira custom field. It will appear at the bottom of the Customer Portal request registration form.

The name and the description of the Serch Field can be configured in the Field Configuration.

Searching an Entry

Starting typing or opening the dropdown menu will trigger an asynchronous search and the result will be shown as a dropdown list below the field with 100 items.

Options will appear only after 3 symbols are typed! Searching principles are based on JQL advanced search (see more details here: Advanced search reference - JQL operators | Jira Software Cloud | Atlassian Support)

Selecting Values

Selecting a value from the dropdown will show the value within the field itself. By clicking on the value, previous search values will be shown in the dropdown.

Saving Values on Customer Portal

After the issue is Created (Send), the value selected from the dropdown will be written (based on the Field Configuration) into the target custom field and additionally show the value within the Search Field itself.

Searching and Saving Values in Issue View

In the Issue view selecting a value from the dropdown will write the selected value into the target custom field and additionally show the value within the field itself.

Setup the Search Filed

By clicking the Field Configuration button, the user will be navigated to the sub-configuration, where it is possible add/edit/delete the field configuration:

Field Configuration Tab

By Clicking Add configuration, a popup with the configuration fields will appear:


The name will be displayed as a Search Field name.


Text will be displayed under the Search Field.

Field Type

There are three options to select:

Data source

A dropdown list of the available Data Sources is added from the previously credited in Data Sources.

If the Data Source type of the selected Data Source is REST/API, additional fields should be configured.

Target Field

Select the field, where the result should be searched while displaying the results in Issue Info Sheet. The searched value also will be written in this field.

It is possible to select only fields from the Jira instance (including custom fields) with the String type:

  • Summary

  • Description

  • Environment

  • Short Text custom fields

  • Paragraph custom fields

  • URL

  • Some locked fields (e.g. Epic name, Epic color, Issue color, Work category, etc.)


Choose from the three options to sort the data in the suggested terms dropdown:

  • Same as data source: the data will be displayed in the same orders, as in the data source, without additional sorting.

  • Alphabetically ascending: the data will be sorted alphabetically in ascending order (0 → 9, z → a)

  • Alphabetically descending: the data will be sorted alphabetically in descending order (9 → 0, z → a)

ID Field

ID stands for Identifier and must be a unique number or string that identifies an item in the data set.

Relative to the selected repository list define a path to a unique identifier. This field is used to find the selected value later. It can be the same as the search field and value field

Value Expression

Relative to the selected list defines a path to the value that should be written into the target custom field after selection. Based on the expression, certain variables will be displayed in the search options in Search Field after typing a search term.

The variables in the expression should be between curly brackets, therefore the reserved characters for the expression are "{" and "}".

For example, in case of the expression - {item.name} - {item.email} - ({item.phone}), result will be:
Weaver Sanders - weaversanders@acium.com - (+1 (863) 435-3405)
Beverley Jordan - beverleyjordan@acium.com - (+1 (830) 500-3013)

expression: {item.name}, gender: {item.gender}, result will be:
Weaver Sanders, gender: male
Beverley Jordan, gender: female

Or, if the following value expression is used: {item.email} ({item.fullName}), {item.phoneNumber}, the search options will display email, full name and phone number:

Result Expression

Add value expression of a results table. The variables from the Data Source, which are added to the Result Expression, will be displayed as search results in the Search table. For example, if the following variables are written in the Results Expression, fullName,phoneNumber,email, the search results will display full name, phone number and email:

Copy to Summary (checkbox)

When this checkbox is checked, the search results from the search field will be copied to the Summary field upon Creating an issue on the Customer Portal (seehttps://twinit.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/resumedraft.action?draftId=531104323).


Select Project(s) where the Serch Field should appear. The dropdown shows all the projects from the Jira instance.

Issue Types and Request Types

Select Issue Type(s), and Request Type(s) where the Serch Field should appear. The dropdown shows all the available items from the Jira instance. If not selected Search Filed will be visible in All Issue Types and Request Types. To avoid ambiguity with Request Type naming, corresponding projects are shown after the request types in the brackets:

Issue Info Sheet

By selecting the checkbox, https://twinit.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/JDA/pages/541098065 will be displayed on the customer portal. The following three fields should be configured for displaying pas issues on the Issue Info Sheet:

Users Type

Users Type defines the permissions for displaying https://twinit.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/JDA/pages/541098065. Based on the selection, the Issue Info sheet will be displayed either for Licensed users (Agents) or All Users (Customer and Licensed users ). Only one option should be selected for a specific field.

Licensed Users

This option defines filter possibilities for Licensed users. The JQL expression filters the requests, showing in the https://twinit.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/JDA/pages/541098065 after selecting a search term. If the “Licensed users“ option is selected, the JQL field will appear, where any JQL expression can be written, to filter the results.

Request Status

This dropdown defines the status of the requests, showing in the https://twinit.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/JDA/pages/541098065 after selecting a search term. This field is visible only if “All Users” is selected after which “Request Status” dropdown appears, showing the following three options:

  • Closed Requests: only closed requests will be filtered in the results;

  • Open Requests: only open requests will be filtered in the results;

  • All Requests: all requests will be shown in the results.

Issue Fields [mandatory field]

By selecting the fields from the dropdown, it is possible to choose the fields which will be displayed in the Issue Info Sheet search results on the Customer Portal (see https://twinit.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/resumedraft.action?draftId=531104323 and https://twinit.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/resumedraft.action?draftId=541098065 for more details). Any field on the instance can be selected, including all the system and custom fields:

Copy Request Type

If this field is selected, the text fields list will show up, where the request type will be copied to.

Active (checkbox)

By selecting or deselecting the Active Checkbox, the search field will be shown (checked) or hidden (unchecked) on the Customer Portal.

Required (checkbox)

By checking the box, the Customer Portal field will become mandatory while creating an issue on the Customer Portal.

Upon clicking the Save Button, Field will be added to the list: