Jira Dashboards

Jira Dashboards

You can view the user activity reports via Jira Dashboards, using the app gadgets.

This feature is available from the version 1.0.38-AC (15-Nov-2024). If you use any previous version, please update the app through UPM to enable the gadgets.

Aggregated View

To add the gadget for the Aggregated View into the Jira Dashboard, follow the following steps:

  1. Create a Jira Dashboard, if not yet created, or navigate to the existing Dashboard:

  2. Click the “Edit” button in the top right corner:

  3. Search for “User activity“, “Twinit”, or ”Aggregated View” in the search box to search for the gadget and click the “Add“ button:

  4. After the gadget is added, you will see the gadget configuration fields:

    1. User activity filter

      1. From the dropdown, you need to select a saved filter from the app. From here you can directly navigate to the User Activity Log app to configure and save the filters.

    2. Breakdown

      1. Select the parameters you need to breakdown the logs. If no parameters are selected the dashboard will show the view without any breakdown:

      2. Project

        1. You will see the actions, across the user, for specific projects. Non-project-related activities will be shown in a separate row - Non-project activities:

      3. Status

        1. Select Status to break the actions down by the destination status to see how many times the user transitioned the issue into the statuses:

      4. Transition

        1. Select the transitions to break the actions down by the transitions to see how many times the user transitioned the issue from one status to another.

      5. Issues

        1. Select this if you what break the action by the issues.

          1. If the issue breakdown retrieves more than 100 issues, you will see the actions for 100 issues and the corresponding notification. In such case, you will need to refine the criteria in the filter:

        2. You can combine breakdown by issues with breakdown by project, status, and transition:

      6. Fields

        1. Select “Fields“ if you want to break the actions down by the fields that were updated. You can see the log only for the fields added to the Fields monitoring, after the date when the fields were added to the monitoring.

        2. You can combine the breakdown by fields only with Project and Issues. If Status and/or transition was selected in the Breakdown dropdown, clicking Fields will unselect those options.

    3. Actions

      1. Select actions out of more than 80 available actions to view in the results. When you select the filter, the actions that are configured in the filter will be automatically filled in. You can further add or remove the actions

    4. Auto refresh

      1. Select how often do you want the dashboard to be updated. Please keep in mind that for the large amount of data, the update may take time.

When you fill all the fields in, click the “Save“ button to view the results.

If you use JQL search in your saved filter and the results retrieve more than 1,000 issues, you will see the actions for 1,000 issues and the corresponding message in the results:

When the breakdown is selected, sorting of the columns in the results will be disabled.

You can download the results in the .xlsx format by clicking the “Export (.xlsx)“ button in the gadget:

If the filter does not retrieve any data, you will see the corresponding message in the gadget:

User Activity Feed (Detail View)

To add the gadget User Activity Feed (“Detail View” in the app) into the Jira Dashboard, follow the following steps:

  1. Create a Jira Dashboard, if not yet created, or navigate to the existing Dashboard:

  2. Click the “Edit” button in the top right corner:

  3. Search for “User activity“, “Twinit”, or ”User Activity Feed” in the search box to search for the gadget and click the “Add“ button:


  5. After the gadget is added, you will see the gadget configuration fields:

    1. User activity filter

      1. From the dropdown, you need to select a saved filter from the app. From here you can directly navigate to the User Activity Log app to configure and save the filters.

    2. Actions

      1. Select actions out of more than 80 available actions to view in the results. When you select the filter, the actions that are configured in the filter will be automatically filled in. You can further add or remove the actions.

    3. Results per page

      1. Number of results to display per page (can be between 1 and 50).

    4. Auto refresh

      1. Select how often you want the dashboard to be updated. Please keep in mind that for the large amount of data, the update may take time.

When you fill all the fields in, click the “Save“ button to view the results:

The information available in the Detail View of the app is also available in the gadget.

You can expand all the details of the actions By clicking the “Expand all“ button:

To download the results in the .xlsx format click the “Export (.xlsx)“ button in the gadget:

If the filter does not retrieve any data, you will see the corresponding message in the gadget:

If the filter is deleted from the app or the filter is not shared with the user, the gadget will show the corresponding notification: