After installation, you will see User Activity Audit Log in the "Apps" administration menu:
Initially only site- and org-admins can access the app. Users access can be defined in Permissions.
After clicking User Activity Audit Log, you will be navigated to the home page of the app:
After the expiration of the license, you will see the corresponding message and will not be to use the app (Generate activity log button will be disabled):
If you access the app for the first time, you will be presented to a brief onboarding session, displaying the main features of the app. You can dismiss the session at any step.
Historical Actions in the Logs
For all the actions it is possible to see the log starting from the installation of the plugin. However, for the issue- and asset-related actions, also historical data, starting from January 1st, 2022 will be also available in the app. With the first install, you will see the corresponding informational message:
After the first install, depending on the number of issues and Asset objects, retrieving historical data may take from minutes to hours.
The following actions are not available in the historical data and only the actions done after the app installation will be visible:
Global feature enable/disable
Comment update old value
Issue deleted
You can define user roles for the Jira users who can access the plugin. There are two roles available in the app:
Administrator: can access all the logs in the app + define user permissions
Manager: can access all the logs in the app, but cannot define user permissions
All Jira Administrators and Administrator permission in the app, by default. If a non-Administrator is added to the Manager role, the access to the projects where the user is not added will be given through the app.
To define roles for certain users, go to Settings in the top ribbon of the app and click Permissions in the dropdown menu:
To add a user to the app, click the “+Add user” button:
You can search the user by name, email, or group and select the user from the list:
Define the role of the user and click Add:
After adding, the user will be added to the list:
For the users in the list, you can change the Role from the list itself:
For the added users at least one Role should be selected.
To remove the user from the Permissions, click Remove button and Delete button on the confirmation popup:
You can search users in the list by name or filter the list by role.
When a user, who does not have the right to use the app, tries to access the logs, the corresponding message will be displayed:
Configuring Assets Connection
The app includes action logs made on Assets (formerly Insight), namely object created and object updated.
The delete actions of Asset objects cannot be logged. However, you can restore deleted objects with Insight Assets Backup & Migration plugin.
To enable displaying the asset-related actions, go to Settings in the top ribbon of the app and click Assets audit log in the dropdown menu:
The configuration consists of several fields to be filled:
Fill in the email related to the Atlassian account (valid JSM agent) that will be used to access the data in the Assets.
Email is a mandatory field!
Workspace ID
Fill in the ID of the Assets (Insight) workspace you want to configure backup for. The Workspace ID can be found on the following link: https://[yourcloud] The Jira Service Management REST API uses the workspace Id to identify your individual instance of Assets (Insight), it is an alphanumeric string at the end of the text shown on the opened link with the following sample appearance:
Workspace ID is a mandatory field.
API Token
Atlassian API token secures account access to the API. You can create a token, through the following URL: Atlassian account - API Tokens. You can read more about Atlassian API Token on the documentation page: Manage API tokens for your Atlassian account | Atlassian Support.
After creating an API Token, just copy and paste it into the corresponding “API Token“ field on the configuration page.
API Token is a mandatory field!
After filling the three fields in, click “Sync Assets Log“ button. After Sync starts, the “Connection status pending“message will be displayed. If there is an error in the filled fields, you will see the corresponding error message:
If the sync is successful the corresponding message will be displayed:
After a successful connection, the Asset actions will be retrieved. Depending on the number of the objects, it may take from minute to hours.
The Asset action are retrieved every 6 hours, therefore the latest actions, done in the last 6 hours may not be shown in the logs. If you would like to sync the Asset actions immediately, go to “Assets audit log“ in the settings and click “Sync assets log“ button - depending on the number of the objects, it may take from minute to hours.
Basic Search
Using the basic search, you can define several terms from your Jira instance for filtering the users for which you would like to see the results in the audit log. There are the following options:
People in Projects
People in Organizations
Calendar control is used for choosing a date or range of dates:
To choose a range, you can click a starting date followed by an ending date of the range. To choose a single day, simply click on a desired date, and if it is part of a selected range, click the same date again. In addition, predefined dates can be chosen from the left panel of the calendar.
By default, the last 30 days are selected in the calendar.
“All dates” selects range with a starting date from January 1st, 2023 and ending with the current date.
After selecting the desired date or range, click Update to confirm the selection.
User filter enables you to select a certain user or users on the instance, for which the action log should be displayed in the results. To choose the user, start typing the name, surname, or email of the user. The possible options will be displayed in the dropdown after the first letter:
You can select the desired user by checking the checkboxes on the left of the name of the user. The selected users will move to the top of the list:
You can clear the selected users with “Clear selected items“.
Besides users, you can select users Group(s), People in Project(s) and/or Organizations(s). After selecting filters, click Generate Activity Log button to see the results based on the selected filters.
All the filters work in a way to filter USERS. For example, when you select a project under People in Project filter, all the users that are added to the People in the selected project, will be filtered. All the filters work with OR condition. The selection of the filters is not mandatory - if you select no filters, the results will show the data for ALL the users.
JQL Search
You can also enhance search using JQL. If you preliminary have already selected the filters in Basic Search, by toggling to JQL, the filters can be enhanced additionally with JQL. Pre-defined selections will remain and filter the results:
With the buttons on the right of the field it is possible to:
Expand the JQL field;
See the help page for JQL (will be opened on a new tab);
Display results based on the JQL term (identical to clicking Generate Activity Log button).
After typing in the JQL term, click Generate Activity Log button to see the results based on the selected filters.
Manage Saved Filters
It is possible to save and manage filters for future use. After filling in the filters or JQL, click Save Filter text and fill in the “name” and “description” fields to save the filter:
The saved filters will appear in the list by clicking Saved filters button:
From the popup you can:
Search saved filters by the name
The saved filters will be immediately filtered when you start typing
Add filter to the favorites
Favorite filters will be identified by the filled yellow star ⭐
Generate Results by clicking the filter name (the popup will close and you will be navigated to the results table)
View filter:
Edit filter
Edit name and description
Share filter (see below)
Delete filter.
You can share the saved filter with other users, user groups, projects, organizations or limit access by choosing the Private option:
After clicking Generate Activity Log results will be displayed in the results table. There are two views available: Aggregated View and Detailed View.
Aggregated View
The Aggregated view shows all the actions based on action authors in the rows:
You can configure the columns which you want to be displayed:
You can check or uncheck “Select all“ checkbox to select all or none of the columns. Clicking “Reset default”, will select the default columns (Issue Created, Issue Updated, Issue Deleted, Issue Changed, Status Resolve, Issue Commented, Comment Updated and Comment Deleted).
You can click the column to sort the results.
The number of issues is clickable; if it is less than 100, the Jira page with the issues will open on a new tab:
If the number of issues is more than 100, after clicking the number, you will see a popup with the ranges of the issues, which you can click and open Jira filter with the corresponding selection:
If the current user is not added to the project, where the issues are located, after clicking the number, you will see the corresponding notification:
You can Export the results in the .xlsx format by clicking Export (.xlsx) button. You will see the confirmation popup and after clicking Yes, the file will be downloaded.
Filter results by status and resolution
Additionally, you can filter the data based on transitioned statuses. Click +More button across the use filters and select Status changed and/or Resolution set:
After selecting the option(s) you will see the additional filters below the user filters:
Click Status Change button and choose “from“ and “to“ from the available statuses list (you can select more than one status):
When you select the desired statuses, click Apply button and Generate activity log to filter the actions:
In the same way, you can filter the actions by the Resolutions:
Keep in mind, that unlike user filters, status change and resolution filters work with AND confidion i.e. If you filter statuses
Results Breakdown
Additionally, you can break down the results in the aggregated view by:
Destination status
Breakdown by Projects
You can break the actions down by projects. To do so, click Breakdown button and select Projects:
You will see the actions, across the user, for specific projects. Non-project-related activities will be shown in a separate row - Non-project activities:
To get back to the aggregated view, without a breakdown by projects, uncheck “Projects” under the Breakdown dropdown.
Breakdown by Status
You can break the actions down by the destination status to see how many times the user transitioned the issue into the statuses. To do so, click Breakdown button and select Status.
You will see the actions, across the user, for specific destination status:
To get back to the aggregated view, without a breakdown by statuses, uncheck “Status” under the Breakdown dropdown.
Breakdown by Transition
You can break the actions down by the tansitions to see how many times the user transitioned the issue from one status to another. To do so, click Breakdown button and select Transition.
You will see the actions, across the user, for specific status to status transition:
To get back to the aggregated view, without a breakdown by transitions, uncheck “Transition” under the Breakdown dropdown.
You can also combine various breakdowns, including all three, by selecting all the desired options under Breakdown:
In the breakdown view, clicking number in Total column (the very last column) will open all the issues, for which the user has changed the status in the project, regardless the issues, statuses and how many time the status was changed. Therefore, the numbers across status/transitions breakdown row might be different, the opened issues will be the same.
Detail View
You can see the detailed view of the actions by clicking Detail view tab:
The actions in the issues with a security level, will not be visible in the detail view for the users who have no access to the issue!
For each action you can see the following information:
Date and time when the action was done
User who did the action
User name is clickable and the user profile will be opened on the new tab.
Item which was affected - issue, status, comment, issue link, worklog, project, user, version, sprint, board, global feature
Action that was done by the user, e.g. board configuration changed, issue deleted, commented, etc.
The project where the action was done (Might be N/A in some cases, e.g. when the user was created or updated
You can view the details of the action by clicking View details button, or by clicking the table row anywhere:
You can click the column to sort the results.
You can expand/collapse all the actions by clicking “Expand all” or “Collapse all“ buttons.
From the details you can see the following information:
User who did the action
Which action was done
When the action was done
The affected object
In case of issues:
Issue key
Issue type
Issue summary
Request type
You can see the issue key and can open the issue by clicking Open button.
Old value and new value
Old and new values are available only for Issues. for the most of the other objects the values will show N/A.
Issue Type and Request Type are shown only for the issues which were created after installation of the User Activity Audit Log app!
There are a few limitations in the results due to the limitations of the corresponding REST API:
When the board is deleted, the corresponding Project name will not be shown in the Detail View.
Project deleted will be shown in the actions after the project is deleted from the trash.
Restore deleted issue
You can easily restore a deleted issue from the Detail view! To do so, click “Restore deleted issue“ button and click “Restore“ in the confirmation popup:
This will restore the issue with all the fields. Issue comments, history, and worklog will not be restored.
You can only restore the issues that were deleted after the app was installed.
You can Export the results in the .xlsx format by clicking Export (.xlsx) button. You will see the confirmation popup and after clicking Yes, the file will be downloaded. The following fields will be exported:
Date | Author | Target | Action | Project | Old | New |
From the app Header → Export history, you can view all the exports made by the users:
File name
[number of] Exported records
Actions → View filter
Clicking View Filer button will show additional information about the used filters:
You can integrate User Activity Audit Log with the external platforms to send real-time data from the app. You can use Webhooks or REST API, depending on your choice or the technical capabilities of your platform.
You can use app webhooks to receive real-time updates for all the actions registered in the app. To do so, go to the Settings and click Webhooks:
If you are configuring the webhooks for the first time, you will see a popup with “+ Add URL endpoint“ button:
To add your REST API, enter the URL and click Save:
Make sure the added endpoint accepts POST request from domain!
The URL will be added to the list:
From here you can add more APIs, or
Modify the existing one (you can edit URL)
Mute the URL (a confirmation screen will be shown and if confirmed the API will be paused and will not receive the actions data):
Unmute the muted URL (a confirmation screen will be shown and if confirmed the API will activate and will again receive the actions data):
Delete the webhook:
Make sure the endpoint accepts POST request from domain!
JSON format
{ "accountId": "ACTOR_ACCOUNT_ID", "accountName": "ACTOR_DISPLAY_NAME", "avatar": "ACTOR_AVATAR", "instanceName": "EVENT_INSTANCE_ADDRESS", "issueKey": "ISSUE_KEY", "requestTypeName": "REQUEST_TYPE_NAME", "issueTypeName": "ISSUE_TYPE_NAME", "actionType": "OCCURRED_ACTION", "target": "EVENT_TYPE", "projectKey": "PROJECT_KEY", "projectName": "PROJECT_NAME", "changedFrom": "OLD VALUE", "changedTo": "NEW VALUE", "createdAt": "EVENT_DATE", "objectId": "COMMON_OBJECT_ID", "summary": "ISSUE_SUMMARY" }
You can use app REST API to receive real-time updates for your desired Saved filters. To do so, go to the Saved Filters and click “REST API” under the three dots menu across the desired filter:
If you are configuring the webhooks for the first time, you will see a popup with “+ Add URL endpoint“ button:
When you click “+ Add URL endpoint“ button, you will see a window where you can generate you access token for the API:
Name the endpoint and click “Generate access token” button to generate a token:
Click Add Token button to save the token:
You can add as many access tokens, as you need.
From the list you can edit the token name or delete it:
To receive Detailed View results via REST API, please add “&dataType=detail&page=1
" to the URL, so that it looks like this: "{TOKEN}&dataType=detail&page=1
". Change the last number in “page=1
" to receive the following pages.
Sample JSON format
Depending on the selected filter to export, JSON format may vary. You can find a sample JSON below: