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Assets search gives the possibility of enhanced search, visibility, and selection of Asset objects in Assets custom fields from the Customer Portal. After configuration, the Asset search field will be added to the customer portal on the request creation page. See Asset search configuration and Assets search on the Customer Portal below for the user guide.
Go to “General Settings / Assets search” to configure connection with Assets:
Click the “Configure now” button and fill in the Email and API Token fields:
When fill both fields in, the “Save Configuration“ button will be enabled and if the credentials are correct, you will see the success message:
You can refresh the connection status by clicking the “Refresh status“ button.
If the credentials are incorrect, you will see the corresponding notification:
After the connection is successful, you can start configuring the Asset search field by clicking “+Add Asset search field“ button and defining the parameters:
After all the mandatory fields are filled, click the enabled “Save Configuration“ button.
Assets search on the Customer Portal