Table of contents
Table of contents
Table of Contents | ||||||||||||
After selecting the desired date or range, click Update to confirm the selection.
Besides users, you can select users Group(s), People in Project(s) and/or Organizations(s). After selecting filters, click Generate Activity Log button to see the results based on the selected filters.
More filters
By clicking the “+More“ button, you can also filter the actions by Status changed, Resolution set and Fields:
Expand the JQL field;
See the help page for JQL (will be opened on a new tab);
Display results based on the JQL term (identical to clicking Generate Activity Log button).
After typing in the JQL term, click Generate Activity Log button to see the results based on the selected filters.
It is possible to save and manage filters for future use. After filling in the filters or JQL, click Save Filter text and fill in the “name” and “description” fields to save the filter:
You can share the saved filter with other users, user groups, projects, organizations or limit access by choosing the Private option:
After clicking Generate Activity Log results will be displayed in the results table. There are three views available: Aggregated View, Detailed View and Issue View.
You can check or uncheck “Select all“ checkbox to select all or none of the columns. Clicking “Reset default”, will select the default columns (Issue Created, Issue Updated, Issue Deleted, Issue Changed, Status Resolve, Issue Commented, Comment Updated and Comment Deleted).
Additionally, you can filter the data based on transitioned statuses. Click +More button across the use filters and select Status changed and/or Resolution set:
After selecting the option(s) you will see the additional filters below the user filters:
Click Status Change button and choose “from“ and “to“ from the available statuses list (you can select more than one status):
When you select the desired statuses, click Apply button and Generate activity log to filter the actions:
In the same way, you can filter the actions by the Resolutions:
You can break the actions down by projects. To do so, click Breakdown button and select Projects:
You can break the actions down by the destination status to see how many times the user transitioned the issue into the statuses. To do so, click Breakdown button and select Status.
You can break the actions down by the tansitions transitions to see how many times the user transitioned the issue from one status to another. To do so, click Breakdown button and select Transition.
Info |
Column sorting will be disabled during the breakdown. |
Breakdown by issues
You can break the action by the issues. To do so, Breakdown button and select Issues.
Info |
It is possible to show at most 100 issues at the same time. If the filter retrieves more issues, you will see the corresponding notification below the “Generate activity log” button: |
After the breakdown, you will see the list of the issues and the corresponding actions:
You can combine breakdown by issues with breakdown by project, status, and transition:
Breakdown by fields
You can break the action by the fields that were updated. To do so, Breakdown button and select Fields.
Info |
You can see the log only for the fields added to the Fields monitoring, after the date when the fields were added to the monitoring. |
You can also combine various breakdowns, (excluding “Fields), by selecting all the desired options under Breakdown:
Info |
You can combine the breakdown by fields only with Project and Issues. If Status and/or transition was selected in the Breakdown dropdown, clicking Fields will unselect those options. |
Detail View
You can see the detailed view of the actions by clicking the Detail view tab:
You can also export the Issue views in Excel format by clicking “Export (.xlsx)“ button.
Info |
You will see the Issue View actions, only if your Jira user has Browse ProJects permission for certain Projects/Issues. |
In case of the Saved filters, you will be able to click the Filter name (in blue) and the saved filter will open. For the unsaved filter, “custom“ will be shown in the Filter name.
If you are configuring the webhooks for the first time, you will see a popup with “+ Add URL endpoint“ button:
When you click “+ Add URL endpoint“ button, you will see a window where you can generate you access token for the API:
Name the endpoint and click “Generate access token” button to generate a token:
Click Add Token button to save the token: