Table of Contents
Table of Contents | ||
Go to “General Settings / Assets search” to configure connection with Assets:
Click the “Configure now” button and fill in the Email and API Token fields:
When fill both fields in, the “Save Configuration“ button will be enabled and if the credentials are correct, you will see the success message:
You can refresh the connection status by clicking the “Refresh status“ button.
If the credentials are incorrect, you will see the corresponding notification:
When the connection is successful, you can go to the “Assets Search” in the left sidebar to configure the Asset search field.
You can also delete the connection by clicking the “Delete configuration” button after clicking the “Edit Configuration” and by confirming the deletion in the confirmation popup:
Asset search configuration
Info |
The Better Search in Customer Portal does not create Assets custom field and it should be created and configured with JSM native functionality to be displayed on the Customer Portal. In the Jira custom field configuration, you need to select object schema, where the search field will search the objects and the attributes, that need to be searched and displayed See the following link for the instructions: Set up the Assets objects custom field | Jira Service Management Cloud. |
To configure the Asset search field, you initially need to connect to Assets. If the connection is not configured (for example after the initial installation of the app), you will see the corresponding notification:
After the connection is successful, you can start configuring the Asset search field by clicking “+Add Asset search field“ button and defining the parameters:.
Info |
The corresponding Assets custom field should be initially created and configured in Jira! |
Active/Inactive (toggle)
Switch this toggle to show or hide the search field on the Customer Portal.
Required (toggle)
Toggling this on will make this Asset field mandatory for requests in the Customer Portal.
Name (mandatory)
Choose a name for your Asset search field. The name will be visible above the search field on the Customer Portal.
Choose a placeholder for your Asset search field. This placeholder will be visible by default in the search field on the Customer Portal.
Add a description for your Asset search field. This description will be visible under the search field on the Customer Portal.
Copy to summary toggle
Projects (mandatory)
Select the project(s), in the requests of which the Asset search field should be visible.
Issue Types (mandatory)
Select the Issue Type(s), where the Asset search field should be visible. The list of the Issue Types is defined by the selected project above.
If you remove a project from the configuration, the corresponding Issue Types will be cleared.
Request Types
Select the Request Type(s), in which the Asset search field should be visible. The list of the Request Types is defined by the selected Projects and Issue Types above.
If you remove a project or issue type from the configuration, the corresponding Request Types will be cleared.
You can configure only one Asset search field with the same request type. If the request type is selected in the configuration of one Asset search field, if you try to configure another field with the same request type, you will see the corresponding error message upon saving the configuration and the field configuration will not be saved:
Assets info sheet | Display Settings
Linked Jira Asset Field (mandatory)
Choose the Asset custom field that should be shown on the Customer portal and where the searched object will be selected after the creation of the request. The dropdown will show all the Asset fields in the JSM. The Asset field must be associated with the create and edit issue screens of the selected projects' corresponding issue type(s).
Display and search across these attributes in the custom field
Select the attributes that should be displayed on the Customer Portal in the Asset Info Sheet for the searched object. The list shows the attributes selected in "Allow search filtering by these attributes" in the Assets custom field configuration in Jira.
When you click in the field for the first time it might take few seconds until all the attributes are loaded.
Even if not selected, the Label attribute and the object key will always be visible on the Customer portal.
Field can store multiple objects (toggle)
Select this toggle if the “Field can store multiple objects“ option in the Asset field configuration is selected.
If The toggle is not activated, it will be possible to select only one Asset object in the field (radio button):
After all the mandatory fields are filled, click the enabled “Save Configuration“ button.
Assets search on the Customer Portal
Info |
The Better Search in Customer Portal does not create Assets custom field and it should be created and configured with JSM native functionality to be displayed on the Customer Portal. In the Jira custom field configuration, you need to select object schema, where the search field will search the objects and the attributes, that need to be searched and displayed See the following link for the instructions: Set up the Assets objects custom field | Jira Service Management Cloud. |
When the Asset search field is configured, you will see the field in the request create page and can search and view object details according to the configuration:
Info |
Even if not selected in the configuration, the Label attribute and the object key will always be visible in the Assets Info Sheet. |
By checking the checkbox, you can select the object(s) in the field:
After creating the request, the Asset field will be filled with the selected objects.
If the “Field can store multiple objects“ toggle is NOT on in the configuration, you will be able to select only one object (you will see radio buttons instead of checkboxes):
If you select the “Required“ checkbox in the configuration, you will not be able to create a request without filling in the field. You will see the corresponding message:
After the successful creation of the request, the Asset custom field will be filled with the selected Assets object(s). If the “Copy to Summary” option is selected, upon creating the request, the selected object names will be copied into the Summary, separated with commas: